Tangled Contrasts, 14x11

Tangled Contrasts, 14x11
Tangled Contrasts, 14x11

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Breakneck Speed of Summer.

Late August and I can feel the fall sneaking into my motions. There is a coolness to the air that is not the same coolness that has been part of this summers recalcitrant appearance in the Adirondacks. No, this coolness had the little whisper that says, "It's time to get ready."

Misty Messages - August 2015
But I am not ready! August moved way too fast beginning with the Morristown Plein Air Festival where four pieces and a couple of mini studies were made, framed and hung in 3 days time. Then a large family celebration with visitors from 3000 miles away and as close as a mile away attending. Then yet another painting event last week- this time close to home - the Adirondack Plein Air Festival with five paintings made in four days.

No, not ready for fall - a grand girl entering college for the first time and the younger heading back to 3rd grade before Labor Day. Not ready at all.

Toys Awaiting Boys II - August 2015
There is Face to Face looming.
My goal this coming month is to continue the framing and get it done before the end of September. It has to happen. So many other jobs to do once they are completed.

I need help.
I need help with the on-line campaign that was set up almost two months ago to close with a bang in September.
Surely everyone can use a 2016 calendar? Or a print of a painting or an original. Yes I am thanking contributors with gifts.

Please do consider and act to support the campaign. Your help allows me focus on getting the framing of all 185 faces complete so we can view faces drawn to Saranac Lake in 2014 in style.

Go to: https://adirondackgives.org/campaigns/face-face-drawn-saranac-lake-lets-get-framed/   
To stay updated sign up up for the blog or better yet sign up for the Thumbprints of Diane Leifheit Newsletter on my website. Thank you.

Artliveslong, Diane

This post is dedicated to Henry Parness with much love.  
Henry 1925 - 2015

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